The operating system, or OS for short, is the software that allows you to interact with the computer and run the programs on it. It is like the computer's spine, connecting the brain (the CPU) to the rest of the body (the programs and devices).
The OS manages the computer's software, hardware, and even the peripherals, and it keeps things running smoothly even if there are several programs and devices running at the same time. The most common operating systems for desktop computers are Windows, Mac OS and UNIX.
Many operating systems have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users to see files and manipulate them with a mouse or stylus. Before GUIs, most operating systems displayed the computer's data as lines of text and files were manipulated by entering complicated lines of text.
Anti-malware software, including anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, is defensive software that protects your computer from malware. It can work in two ways: scanning your computer regularly for malware and removing any that it finds, and running continuously in the background to catch malware infections right when they happen.
Up-to-date anti-malware software is one of the key components of strong and solid computer and device defenses. Because cyber criminals are constantly creating new types of malware, anti-malware software needs to be updated regularly to be able to catch the latest malware.
A firewall is a software program that you can install in your computer that acts like a security guard and monitors and controls the traffic coming into and out of your machine. It is named for the "firewalls" in a building, which are re-inforced walls that are able to keep a fire contained in a certain part of the building if one happens.
Firewalls can help protect your computer against malware and intruders are also a key component of strong and solid computer and device defenses. Many operating systems come with a built-in firewall, and some routers also come with one.
A device driver is a software program that controls a hardware component or device attached to your computer. It acts as a translator for the operating system, converting the operating system's instructions into messages that the device can understand.
Some devices that use drivers are contained inside your computer, like the graphics card and the sound card, and others are peripherals, like mice and digital cameras. A new computer usually comes with the latest drivers already installed.
When you install new devices, hardware or software on your computer, sometimes you have to update the device driver to make sure the device or program works properly. You can usually download the latest drivers from either the computer manufacturer's website or the device manufacturer's site.
Software plug-ins are small packages of software that add features to a program. Some popular plug-ins, like the Flash and Quicktime players, enhance Web browsers to allow you play games, watch vidoes and experience other multimedia on webpages. Other plug-ins help to add extra security or to make programs more efficient.